Program White Papers

  • Responses to Questions from RMS Panel
  • Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array  Development ProgramAtacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Development Program: Continuing technical and software upgrades and development of new capabilities will be required to maintain ALMA as the state-of-the-art facility for millimeter/submillimeter astronomy over the course of its projected life of 30+ years.
  • Pushing the Limits of the EVLA: An Enhancement Program for the Next DecadePushing the Limits of the EVLA: An Enhancement Program for the Next Decade: Each of these enhancements will greatly increase the scientific reach of the EVLA, has extremely low technical risk, and will strongly leverage the US astronomical community’s ongoing and long-standing investment in this unique instrument.
  • Wide Field, Multi-pixel Camera Development for the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank TelescopeComets to Clusters: Wide Field, Multi-pixel Camera Development for the GBT: These instruments will increase the astronomical capabilities of the GBT by two or more orders of magnitude, provide an essential complement to ALMA and the EVLA, and enable new science in many areas of interest, including star formation, cosmology, and astrochemistry.
  • The North America Array: Technology Development and the Realization of SKA-HighThe North America Array: Technology Development and the Realization of SKA-High: A wide-range of compelling science would be enabled by a continent-wide, centimeter-wavelength radio telescope array. This "North America Array" would be created by expanding the spatial scale and collecting area of the EVLA while also increasing the sensitivity of the VLBA.
  • Measuring the Milky Way and the Universe with the VLBAMeasuring the Milky Way and the Universe with the VLBA: Recent VLBA results have had enormous scientific impact by very accurately measuring the distances to star forming regions and by showing that the mass of the Galaxy has long been significantly underestimated. This program builds on that strength through three technical enhancements designed to signi?cantly improve the astrometric capabilities of the VLBA.
  • The Square Kilometre ArrayThe Square Kilometre Array: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is a revolutionary telescope program that will address a broad range of key science areas in galaxy evolution and cosmology, fundamental physics, and astrobiology. It will also be a superb discovery instrument. The key science goals of the SKA are in place and a well-structured, global technology development program is under way.
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